Join Al Wadleigh as he shares insights into the Feldenkrais Method® in a captivating interview with Robert Bowley. Discover Al's journey, expertise, and how Feldenkrais principles can transform movement, awareness, and overall well-being.
Table of Contents
00:00 How I Got Into the Feldenkrais Method
03:59 Feldenkrais Classes and Private Lessons
05:50 Do I Work Specifically or holistically?
07:04 About Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais
10:25 How does the Feldenkrais Method Differ from the Alexander Technique?
11:34 How do the Mind and the Body Work Together?
13:05 How Does Body Awareness Change Your Habits
14:22 How Does Socialization Affect Our Internal Map of Reality?
16:13 Do Feldenkrais Lessons Resolve Emotional Issues?
20:53 Get an Experience of the Feldenkrais Method
22:32 Final Thoughts
I did this interview with Robert Bowley prior to the pandemic in 2020. Shortly after that, I was finishing our house in New Mexico and getting ready to sell it and move.
I lost track of the video and recently found it stashed away on another hard drive. So I did a little editing, added some titles and time codes, and here it is.