Beginner's Guide to Doing Feldenkrais Lessons

Free Introductory Self-Paced Download Video Course

Presented by Al Wadleigh, GCFP

What You’ll get in this Free Feldenkrais Course

The Beginner's Guide to Feldenkrais Lessons is a free online course that gives you a solid understanding of what Feldenkrais Lessons are and how to do them.

  • Learn 11 key concepts of the Feldenkrais Method®
  • Learn the basic tenets of how to do a lesson
  • Experience a lesson that allows you subjectively experience the concepts and tenets
  • 4 Videos: 1 Intro, 2 Talks, and 1 Lesson

"Al personifies many qualities of a master teacher: patience, competence, empathy and strong communication skills. These skills can be experienced in each class that he teaches. Thank you, Al, for the joy that you bring to my life."

— Jean Rice, Retired Teacher 

About the Feldenkrais Lesson

Benefits of the Lesson: 
  • Improve your range of motion in turning
  • Expand your peripheral vision
  • Improve your posture
  • Free your neck and shoulders of tension and pain

The lesson is a simplified version of "The Movement of the Eyes Organizes the Movement of the Body" that Dr. Feldenkrais presents in his book, Awareness Through Movement. He presented variations of the lesson in many other publications, workshops, trainings, and classes. 

I believe this speaks to the importance of this lesson for Dr. Feldenkrais. And that is why I have chosen it for this course. It contains many vivid examples of these key Feldenkrais concepts in action.

You do the lesson seated in a chair. A dining chair is ideal. Something with a firm seat and supportive back is best. A bench or stool will also do.
