Spring is here! As you start to get outside to hike, bike, garden, and enjoy the weather, you may be surprised to find yourself experiencing some aches and pains. Being sore may seem like a surprise. After all, you have done this activity many times over the years.
...Alfred Korzybski – The map is not the territory. Moshe Feldenkrais – People act according to their self-image (brain map). The map IS the way we know the territory. Every map—be it the self-image or linguistic—has deletions, distortions, and generalizations. Feldenkrais practitioners are in the business of remodeling internal maps—filling in the deleted parts, clarifying the distortions, and refining the generalizations.
...Roger Russell reviews Jiu-Jitsu and Self Defense by Moshe Feldenkrais and Moti Nativ. Moti is an archiologist of the Feldenkrais Method.
...Many thanks to Moti Nativ and Al Wadleigh for their re-publication of Feldenkrais’ illustrated guide to unarmed combat, Jui-Jitsu and Self Defense (1930)….
...Al Wadleigh and Tammy Lynn Davis talk about how we perceive our self-image and how common ideas about the self-image relate Dr. Feldenkrais ideas.
...Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais on the importance of doing less in order to learn something new. Once learned it can be done quickly and powerfully.
...by Moti Nativ – 2017 We immediately see that Moshe is focusing on breaking an opponent’s balance. He opens with the suggestion for “two ways of finding out and studying means of unbalancing the human body”. “One, form a broad principle like that of maximum efficiency and then proceed to select by trial and error …
by Moti Nativ – 2017 In this section, Feldenkrais answers the leading question, “Of what precisely does that difference of performance consist?” According to him, it is not a skill of one trick or one movement; it is the general manner of doing. The rationale of the elusive difference is based on qualities common to all …
by Moti Nativ – 2017 We have waited since October 1948 for Moshe to reveal his fundamental principles for Better Judo. He was fortunate with an article that T. P. Leggett published on the Budokwai bulletin on October 1948, titled “Butsukari”. I should remind you that at this time Leggett was the chairman of the …
by Moti Nativ – 2017 The first article in this series contains clues that, from our perspective as Feldenkrais Method practitioners, we can identify as basic concepts of the Feldenkrais Method. Here Moshe made an effort to provide a logical background for acquiring master skills that cannot actually be taught. Feldenkrais begins by pointing out …
by Moti Nativ – 2017 A surprise opening for the fourth part: “At least one of the readers is disappointed with Better Judo. I guess that this could mean more than one or even many readers.” Moshe thinks that the Budokwai judo practitioners, who read his article, expected that “the secret of Judo will be …
by Moti Nativ – 2017 Better Judo is a series of 5 articles, published from January 1948 until January 1949, which Dr. Feldenkrais wrote for the quarterly bulletin of the Judo Budokwai Club. “A true secret is still a secret even when it is revealed to all.”– Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz,Preface to The Thirteen Petalled …
Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain By JANE E. BRODY OCT. 30, 2017 After two hour-long sessions focused first on body awareness and then on movement retraining at the Feldenkrais Institute of New York, I understood what it meant to experience an incredible lightness of being. Having, temporarily at least, released the muscle tension …
A series of Feldenkrais Method classes held twice a week for 30 weeks resulted in improvements on the Four Square Step Test for dynamic balance and also changes in gait among older adults with osteoarthritis, according to recent research. The study, “Moving With Ease: Feldenkrais Method classes for people with osteoarthritis,” was a prospective study …
The book takes the reader through several exercises to help determine proper posture in a variety of positions. An emphasis is placed on reorganizing skeletally pain-free movement.