(Previously titled “Beginning with Foam Rollers”)
Bring the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method to foam rolling with convenient, time-efficient lessons of easy and gentle movements. These simple explorations can be done anywhere a roller fits.
Becky brings simplicity and ease to your movements in this excellent, high-quality MP4 video program. She has design 15 Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons to be used with a soft foam roller. If you are looking for a program with short lessons in a simple, easy-to-follow video, this the one is for you.
These lessons will help you:
- Improve posture
- Identify and reduce imbalances
- Enhance mobility and flexibility
- Lessen pain and create more ease
Introduction – Watch the Video!
Program Includes:
Program Introduction (7:10)
SERIES 1: Beginnings
- Opening Scan (5:46)
- Lesson 1: Rocking, rolling, and oscillating (5:35)
- Lesson 2: Stability for feet and pelvis (7:37)
- Lesson 3: Low back ease (6:08)
- Lesson 4: Softer hips and low back (10:02)
- Lesson 5: Easy length for the spine (7:05)
- Lesson 6: Mobility for neck and shoulders (5:53)
- Lesson 7: Balancing against the wall (8:23)
- Lesson 8: Compliant spine through rolling fists (6:38)
SERIES 2: Head To Toe
- Lesson 1: Gluing in the lungs (7:15)
- Lesson 2: Spine like a chain (7:05)
- Lesson 3: Basic flexors (6:25)
- Lesson 4: Oiling the hip joints (10:44)
- Lesson 5: Elegant rolling back to front (8:55)
- Lesson 6: Elegant rolling front to back (7:10)
- Lesson 7: Focus on toes and feet (7:23)
Author’s Comment:
“One of the major reasons I made the video was to provide practitioners with a way to develop another income stream by drawing in a new audience. Lots of active people are strongly committed to using a hard foam roller and being told they have to put up with intense pain in hopes of fixing their IT bands or uncooperative piriformis muscles or other “problems”. People are shocked that foam rolling can be pleasurable AND produce improvement quickly.”
–Becky Behling
I found it very clear and useful.