Professional, Partner, and Affiliate Links

Professional Links

Learn More About the Feldenkrais Profession

International Feldenkrais Federation:

The International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF) is the coordinating organization of most Feldenkrais Guilds and Associations and other key Feldenkrais professional organizations worldwide.

An International List of Feldenkrais Guilds and Associations

Standards of Practice of the Feldenkrais Method®

Feldenkrais Guild® of North America

The Feldenkrais Guild was established by Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc., in 1977 to be the professional organization of practitioners and teachers of the Feldenkrais Method. The purpose of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America is to develop, promote, and protect the Feldenkrais Method.

Find a Feldenkrais Practitioner

Professional Feldenkrais Method Trainings

Partner and Professional Training Sites

Affiliate Sites

NLP and Hypnosis
