Preparing Your Space at Home


Preparing Your Space

Creating a space for your lesson

A Space on the Floor

A 7'x7' space is ideal. But I have worked in much smaller areas over the years. Essentially, you need a space large enough to roll from side to side. This was my space in our Madrid home in New Mexico.

Position your computer camera for online Feldenkrais

Positioning Your Computer

Ideally, you will position the computer, so your space is in full view. That way, I can observe your whole self in movement as you do the lesson.

how to listen to your online feldenkrais

How to Listen

If you can play the audio through your computer speakers or a stereo, that is ideal. But if you in a situation where headphones are preferred, I recommend using earbuds or behind the head athletic open-ear headphones. Bluetooth is best, so you don't get caught up in wires.


"The floor as a teacher. The problem isn't muscular, it is the 'command mechanism' (the nervous system) which is why you do not improve through exercise alone. Only the floor can teach a person to hold his back softly so he can roll without any pain."

- Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, Alexander Yanai Lesson 31, "Lifting in Thought, on the Stomach"

Positioning your computer for online Feldenkrais

Timing & Equipment

Get your space set up early. Click on the join meeting link about 5 min before the session. You will be in the "waiting room" until I start the meeting. And while you are there, test your speakers and mic on your computer or phone.

Dogs love Feldenkrais lessons

Our Companion Animals

Dogs and cats (especially dogs) LOVE the Feldenkrais experience. You can either keep them out of the area in which you are working or get on the floor a few minutes early so they can calm down and enjoy the lesson. I like having my dog, Fred, with me when I do a lesson.

Yoga Mat

Photo by Dmytro from Pexels


Your Mat and Padding

Depending on your comfort level, you might be fine on a hard floor and a thin mat. Other people prefer working on a carpet or a rug. Other people I've worked with have done lessons on their massage table. You want to be comfortable. And you want to be able to feel the firmness of the floor behind you.

Which Mat or Pad is Right for You?

Yoga Mats

Yoga Mat

Pros: Yoga mats are useful because they are sticky, and you can get traction on them without slipping.

Cons: Yoga mats are sticky and limit your ability to slide and move easily. They tend to be narrow.

Moving Pads

Moving Pad

Pros: You can easily slide and move on them. They provide a large on which to work, making it easy to roll from side to side.

Cons: They tend to be a little more slippery, requiring more attention when you need more traction for a movement. (I prefer a moving pad myself)

Massage Table

Massage Table

Pros: Generally, provide a soft yet firm surface, which can be sufficient for a private online lesson.

Cons: Massage tables are typically narrow, limiting the range of movements you can do without making adjustments.

Join with Me on Your Feldenkrais Journey

There are several ways in which we can work together

Al Wadleigh, GCFP

Join a Feldenkrais Class

Awareness Through Movement

I offer Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons in-person and online. See my current schedule

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Al Functional Integration

Receive my one-to-one personalized touch and guidance in my Longmont studio.

Do Feldenkrais Yourself

Feldenkrais exercise

Shop the Feldenkrais Store for lessons and programs, you can work with at home on your schedule.