Equestrians of all skill levels will find this program innovative, fun, educational and effective for improving their skill, recovering from injury or simply riding more comfortably.
Riding with the Whole Self uses specific Feldenkrais lessons to address the unique needs of equestrians. These audio lessons are designed for both the advanced dressage rider as well as the casual backyard enthusiast at all levels of fitness.
These lessons will help you develop the ability to self-regulate and adjust your riding posture from moment to moment. Horses respond to the information transmitted from your pelvis, feet, legs, back, arms and hands. These signals must be precise. But often riders unintentionally give mixed messages that confuse the horse. With Riding with the Whole Self lessons, you will gain the tools to recognize when and how this happens and how to be more focused and precise. This precision will lead to less fatigue and more comfort for both you and your horse.
The first six lessons are to be done at home either lying or sitting on the floor or a chair. The last two lessons are done mounted.
Areas addressed are:
- Balance – equalizing the use of the two sides
- Posture
- Strength and power – discovering and properly utilizing the power center of the pelvis
- Breathing
- Differentiation – the use of discreet parts of the body without the interference of others
- Flexibility and relaxation
Listen to a Sample
Program Includes:
- Easier Turning – 1:05:55
- Freeing Your Hip Joints – 54:31
- Ribs for Bending and Stabilizing – 50:14
- Finding Balance – 51:59
- Soft and Light Arms – 48:42
- Bringing it all Together – 55:01
- Lengthening the Legs (Mounted Lesson) – 25:09
- Effortless Sitting (Mounted Lesson) – 24:30
Endorsements and Emails for Riding with the Whole Self:
“After participating in the six Feldenkrais lessons contained in ‘Riding with the Whole Self’ — my very first Feldenkraisexperience — I was in awe of how I felt when I rode my Arab for the first time. I felt more centered, felt both sitz bones, did not put as much weight in my stirrups as normal, and felt incredibly more relaxed in my pelvis and rib cage areas. Thank you, Paris!”
– Judy B.
“It’s wonderful to be 59 years old and finding freedom of movement I had lost years ago.”
.- Saundra Code. Level IV Senior Centered Riding Instructor and Alexander Teacher
“In the first riding lesson after the workshop with you, my teacher said that never before I was sitting so relaxed on the horse as today.”
-Suzanne Rothenbacher, Switzerland
“When watching Paris work, I am again and again astonished by how accurate her observations are and how appropriate her exercises are for the riders. Not only do the riders become more aware of how their own movements affect the riding, but this greater mobility is translated to the horse and seems to free the horse in its own possibilities of movement.
After observing Paris working with both the rider and the horse, I have seen the horses move as if there were no weight on their backs.”
-Brigette Mahler, Level 111 Centered Riding Instructor, Hombergweiden, Switzerland
“I keep meaning to email you to let you know how beneficial that last session was. My left hip was well and truly stuck. It now moves, and my left side bends some too. In fact, I am increasingly aware of multiple tensions all over my body. Also, many times I am realizing my breathing is shallow, quick, and in my upper chest. It is wonderful being able to feel all this, and it is a good thing that I am saving myself from all that extra stress. My riding is so much more relaxing and enjoyable!”
– MZ
“More kudos to you. I rode Fresh for over 40 minutes tonight, most of it at sitting trot and canter and was not in pain. This was probably the longest I have ridden pain-free for so long in several years. Yah!”
– Becca
“I have gone from being primarily a thinking rider to being more of a feeling rider thanks to Paris, and this
is where one can start to study riding. This, alone, has given me peace with my riding. Even if my horse is old and will never set foot in the show ring, I can work with him now in a way that I always knew was
– Marianna
“This clinic (and the last lesson I had with you) has made a dramatic difference for me. I feel so much more freedom in my ribs, which is decreasing my back pain. I was really surprised on Sunday when I was working at the farm. There is one horse there that I hate riding because I can’t get him to move forward, but it was a MUCH better ride. I really think that the stiffness in my ribcage was causing stiffness in him making the ride miserable. Thank you so much!”
– Gabrielle
“What an amazing ride. Ritchie, my horse, has never gone left like that in my lifetime of riding him! I actually ended up being a bit upset that I have been interfering pretty substantially all these years. I have always had some sense (more than some riders) that the problem is the rider and not the horse, but I have never had such profound proof!
By the way, you fixed my neck yesterday too. Then Ritchie spooked last night after we were finished. I was so relaxed, though, that I think the impulse just went right through me from my fingertips and right out my neck, I can’t wait until our next session. In the meantime, I will get used to my new ‘self’ once again.”
– Ms. Zahurak
“As an FEI rider working toward Grand Prix, working with Paris and doing Feldenkrais lessons has enabled me to develop a better feel in all the movements. One area which it has especially helped is in using my seat bones more effectively during the one-tempi changes.”
– Brenda J. Rice
This is a great program of Feldenkrais for the equestrian. Being already well practiced in Feldenkrais in general, I have already experienced great improvement in my riding. This program really focuses on connecting the sensations of the movements to riding. I highly recommend this.