Stop Sciatica Now: Alleviate Sciatic Nerve Pain with Gentle Exercises

(2 customer reviews)



Author: Pamela Kihm
Media: PDF eBook, 100 Pages, Illustrated

Eliminate back and leg sciatic nerve pain, without drugs or surgery, through gentle exercises and healthful choices.

The position of your skeleton affects your sciatica! Learn how to sit, stand and walk in ways that minimize pressure on your sciatic nerve. Eliminate back and leg pain — without drugs or surgery — through gentle exercises and healthful ways of moving throughout your day. This award-winning book contains vital information to help ease sciatic pain and prevent its return. Learn exercises that are powerful and effective, yet easy and gentle, to eliminate sciatica pain. Minor changes in the way you position your body can make a huge difference in your comfort throughout the day!

Stop Sciatica Now has 57 line drawings illustrating how to move with awareness. More than 20 photographs make it easy to duplicate the movements and postures described in the text.

You will find useful instructions:

  • Tie your shoes without hurting your back: pages 5-6
  • Walk up stairs efficiently: page 70
  • Strategies for comfortable driving: pages 75-79
  • Lifting efficiently and safely: pages 83-84
  • How to garden comfortably: page 85
  • Ride a bicycle safely and comfortably: pages 86-87
  • Sleep more soundly, relax more deeply: pages 88-91

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Your Sciatic Nerve Network
  • Reorganize Skeletally
    >> Download this chapter now.
  • Gentle Exercises to Reduce Pain
  • Constructive Fidgeting
  • More Self-Help Techniques
  • Moving Through Your Day
  • Walking Can Be Therapeutic
  • Travel Comfortably
  • Resume Activities Confidently
  • About the Author
  • Glossary
  • Index of Lessons

Topics Include

From Chapters One, Two and Three:
The sciatic nerve network is dramatically affected by your posture choices.
Minor changes in the way you position your body as you move throughout your day can create comfort instead of pain.
Excessive tightening of your muscles to “protect your back” can actually exacerbate sciatica pain.

Gentle exercises you can do immediately to relax the muscles so often involved in sciatic nerve pain.

From Chapters Four, Five and Six:
Maintain a comfortable, healthful posture with skeletal awareness.
Position your feet to prevent sciatic nerve pain.

“Fidget constructively” to stop sciatic nerve pain from developing into a full-blown attack.
More gentle, relaxing and very effective exercises that you can easily do every day.

From Chapters Seven through Ten:
Move from lying to sitting, from sitting to standing – comfortably, efficiently, and without pain!

Walk in ways that support your back and legs.

Be more comfortable while driving.

Support and protect your back while bending or lifting.

Relax more deeply so your body can heal.


You, and you alone make the moment-to-moment everyday decisions about how you sit, stand, and move. To prevent recurring bouts of sciatica and the need for pain medications, you must become the most active partner of your health care team.

How This Book Can Help You

Stop Sciatica Now explains how:
  • Minor changes in your usual ways of sitting, standing and walking can stop irritating your sciatic nerves and start the healing process.
  • Habitually tensing your muscles excessively affects your sciatic nerves profoundly.
  • When you position your skeleton effectively, your muscles don’t have to tighten excessively.
Stop Sciatica Now shows you how to:
  • Use what you already have in your everyday environment to relieve pain and prevent sciatica flare-ups.
  • Become more aware of how you are positioning your body.
  • Ward off future sciatica flare-ups through healthful movement choices and through gentle preventive maintenance exercises.

2 reviews for Stop Sciatica Now: Alleviate Sciatic Nerve Pain with Gentle Exercises

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  1. This wonderful book saved my vacation this summer. I had to spend 20 hours on airplanes and trains which would have been awful, but among the exercises are numerous ones which can be done sitting or standing and not drawing attention. My Feldenkrais practitioner worked with me using the book [which she had recommended] so I could use the book as a reference to better remember what we covered. The illustrations are excellent and the instructions include fine points of execution and help guide exploration of the range of each movement.

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