Feldenkrais Method Testimonials

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Feldenkrais Testimonals

Listen to what musicians, athletes, heads of state, medical professionals and others have to say about the Feldenkrais Method.

“I have been intrigued by this subtle form of retraining the nervous system, which I recommend to patients whose movement has been restricted by injury, cerebral palsy, stroke, fibromyalgia, or chronic pain. I find it to be much more useful than standard physical therapy. I also believe that the Feldenkrais Method can help older people achieve a greater range of motion and flexibility, and help all of us feel more comfortable in our bodies.”
Andrew Weil, M.D. Author of Spontaneous Healing and Natural Health, Natural Medicine

“Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ method will be of great benefit to all of humanity. From my own experience, I know the remarkable results achieved.”
David Ben-Gurion, First Prime Minister of Israel

“As an aging ex-jock, nursing bad knees and shoulders, Functional Integration® and Awareness Through Movement® work helps me develop insight into how my body operates and how it compensates for old injuries. With a more solid understanding of ‘what is’, I can start to make intelligent choices about how I want to move, sit, stand, and just function.”
Kevin Paxton, President of Preston Technology, Inc.

“I was having constant pain in my hand, wrist, and arm. After six months of Functional Integration lessons and doing the assigned exercises, the pain in my hand occurred only infrequently. The process of change through awareness is something you have to experience to believe.”
Erica C. Christ, writer and bartender

“As a violinist, the work has not only sped my recovery from injury but greatly enhanced my sense of physical integrity, ease and grace — even with an activity as “unnatural” as playing the violin!”
Ingrid Matthews, performs on Baroque and classical violin and is the Music Director of the Seattle Baroque Orchestra

“I suffered with chronic shoulder and arm pain that developed into severe numbness and tingling. Nothing I did brought me any long-term relief until I started with Feldenkrais. Through a series of Feldenkrais lessons, the chronic pain, numbness, and tingling resolved. More importantly, I learned how to manage and maintain my body to avoid these problems in the future.”
– Ruth Nielsen, Attorney at Law, Nielsen Law Office Inc.

“After years of back problems, the Feldenkrais Method has given me the ability to remain free of pain. They are by far the most effective and pleasurable exercises I have ever done.”
Joseph Batkin, M.A.

“About two years ago, I tripped over a raised bit of sidewalk that had upheaved from a tree root. The jolt caused a disk in my back to herniate, resulting in a tremendous amount of pain and reduced mobility. I eventually had an MRI. The diagnosis was clear; I would need surgery. Not wanting to do that, I found out about the Feldenkrais Method and decided to give it a try. I completed 15 Functional Integration sessions, and was amazed to go from facing back surgery to being pain-free.”
Shirley Beieler, Orthodontic Laboratory Technician/Manager, Feldenkrais practitioner

“The Feldenkrais Method® has allowed me to play pain-free golf, without worrying about injury.”
Duffy Waldorf, PGA Tour Golfer

“The Feldenkrais Method is the most sophisticated and effective method I have seen for the prevention and reversal of deterioration and function.”
Margaret Mead, Ph.D., Anthropologist

“Try Feldenkrais for headaches or musculoskeletal problems. A study reported in the American Journal of Pain Management found that patients with chronic headaches and/or musculoskeletal problems reported more mobility and decreased pain up to a year after treatment compared to comparison groups.”
American Holistic Nurses’ Association Guide to Common Chronic Conditions: Self-Care Options to Complement Your Doctor’s Advice

“A bodywork technique we have seen to benefit patients is known as The Feldenkrais Method. In a series of lessons, patients are taught how to integrate their body movements so that they function with less effort and pain.”
R. Paul St. Amand, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia: The Revolutionary Treatment That Can Reverse The Disease

“The Feldenkrais Method has had remarkable success in a wide range of complaints ranging from the debilitating to the merely nagging.”
Science Digest

Feldenkrais represents a revolution in human health.”
Smithsonian Magazine

“The system developed by Moshe Feldenkrais has as much potential for understanding the mind/body relationship as Einstein’s general theory of relativity had for physics.”
Bernard Lake, M.D.

“He’s not just pushing muscles around, but changing things in the brain itself.”
Karl Pribram, M.D., Ph.D.

“Julius Erving and Yehudi Menuhin are among thousands who believe Moshe Feldenkrais can stretch the mind — as well as the body.”
People Magazine

“In relearning the use of the body, you are living in a state of almost constant revelation. You are likely to find that almost everything you do can be done more efficiently, more pleasurably and with greater ease than was possible before. You will have much greater stamina and strength, and many of the debilitating ‘symptoms of aging’ will reverse. In the state of good posture, which is indeed a state of being, your body will feel very light, almost weightless, and will seem less dense – as if your head were a kite and the rest of the body the tail dangling lightly from it!”
Jean Houston, The Possible Human

“The Feldenkrais Method has given me the ability to do things in tennis I never could do before and has relieved my body of the pain accumulated from over twenty years of competitive playing.”
Tony Trear, tennis teaching pro and former pro player

“I can’t say enough good things about the Feldenkrais Method. I believe it’s made the difference between continuing my competitive running career and retiring prematurely.”
Chris Boyd, U.S. track and field champion

“… the Feldenkrais Method and its unique approach to mind and body has helped me immeasurably, not only in the way I play golf, but also in the way I teach the game.”
Rick Acton, 5-time NE PGA Champion

“The Feldenkrais work has had an enormous effect on the way I run and on the way I live my life. My knee problem vanished. I’ve increased my mileage considerably without a trace of difficulty. And I’m running faster.”
Bruce Holmes, Runner’s World

“Feldenkrais has studied the body in movement with a precision that I have found nowhere else.”
Peter Brook, Film & Stage Director

“Like too many musicians, I was prompted to examine my relationship to my body by the crisis of injury. Too many years of pursuing the music I wanted to make at a all costs finally caught up with me and I found myself first in pain and ultimately, unable to play. While my treatment was multi-faceted, Feldenkrais was instrumental in moving me along the road to recovery. For me, Feldenkrais was and remains an invaluable tool to help develop a greater sensitivity and awareness of what my body is actually doing and how I can best move within it.”
Alex Laing, Principal Clarinet, The Phoenix Symphony

“As a neuroscientist interested in the development and plasticity of the nervous system, it is gratifying to see how the Feldenkrais Method demonstrates these principles. The Feldenkrais Method has also greatly improved my personal quality of life — physically and emotionally — by reducing the restrictions and limitations I thought were permanent due to multiple sclerosis.”
Maria Luskin, Professor, Emory University Medical School

“After just a few moments of the Feldenkrais exercises, people often find themselves, as if by magic, easily doing things with their bodies that they never thought possible. The Feldenkrais exercises are ingenious.”
Yehudi Menuhin, Violinist

“Following the program with Feldenkrais, patients showed significant improvement in their levels of pain, decreased medication, and increased the quality of life.”
American Journal of Pain Management

“This (work) encompasses not only an upgrading of flexibility, coordination, posture, voice, and breathing but also — and above all — consciousness-raising, sensing, feeling, and thinking.”
Meir W. Weisgal, Chancellor, The Weitzmann Institute of Science

Feldenkrais Store, Al Wadleigh GCFP
499 reviews
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Store rating 4.80 / 5
Product rating 4.67 / 5

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