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Major news outlets that featured the Feldenkrais Method

What is Feldenkrais?

A powerful, yet simple way of using systematic developmental movements combined with awarenss to create robust and flexible habits of movement, thought, feeling, and sensing. The Method restores and improves abilities so you can do what you want in life when you want to do it.

Dr. Andrew Weil

...the Feldenkrais Method can help older people achieve a greater range of motion and flexibility, and help all of us feel more comfortable in our bodies.

“I have been intrigued by this subtle form of retraining the nervous system, which I recommend to patients whose movement has been restricted by injury, cerebral palsy, stroke, fibromyalgia, or chronic pain. I find [Feldenkrais] to be much more useful than standard physical therapy. I also believe that the Feldenkrais Method can help older people achieve a greater range of motion and flexibility, and help all of us feel more comfortable in our bodies." 

      - Andrew Weil, M.D., Author of Spontaneous Healing and Natural Health, Natural Medicine


Feldenkrais represents a revolution in human health.”
– Smithsonian Magazine


“He’s not just pushing muscles around, but changing things in the brain itself.”
– Karl Pribram, M.D., Ph.D.


Indepth Articles

Moshe Feldenkrais’ Work with Movement: A Parallel Approach to Milton Erickson’s Hypnotherapy
Alexander Yanai Lesson 305, “The line of Effort in the Back in Lifting on Stomach” Compared with Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson 11, “Becoming Aware of Parts of Which We are not Conscious with the Help of Those of Which We are Conscious.”

“Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ method will be of great benefit to all of humanity. From my own experience, I know the remarkable results achieved.”
David Ben-Gurion, First Prime Minister of Israel

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