Tap into the full potential of your Wim Hof breathing practice

Explore how placing your arms and legs in different positions accesses the potential of your breath. You have two lungs. Your right lung has three lobes, and your left lung has two lobes. We usually don’t fully access all of our lobes when we do our breathing practice. Discover how placing your arms and legs in different positions accesses each of your lobes or combinations of lobes. You will gain deeper, fuller, and more satisfying lung capacity by the end of this exploration.

Learn how to use your eyes to improve your ability to turn.

Your eyes play an important role in organizing your body for movement. In this lesson, you discover how to use your eyes to improve your turning, reduce pain and stiffness in your neck and shoulders, and enhance your field of vision.

Moti Nativ talks about Jiu-Jitsu and Self Defense

Moti Nativ talks about discovering an original copy of Jiu-Jitsu and Self Defense by Moshe Feldenkrais. And how it lead him to understand the links between Feldenkrais’s martial arts background and his development of the Feldenkrais Method. The book is based on the unique approach where the first movement of defense is the instinctive movement

ATM video by the UK Feldenkrais Guild

What Happens in a Feldenkrais Class? What happens in an Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) class? This short film by the Feldenkrais Guild of UK takes you inside an ATM class. Watch the process and listen to comments of the participants.

UK Feldenkrais Guild ATM Demo

The Feldenkrais Guild UK® presents a short film made by and featuring Andrew Dawson demonstrating a classic Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson, “Rolling up to Sit and Stand.”
