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November 22

Al Wadleigh On The Brain Shaman Podcast

Neuroplasticity through Feldenkrais — Unlock Your Learning, Habit Change, and Potential | Episode 78

Al Wadleigh on the Brain Shaman Podcast

In this episode, our guest is Al Wadleigh, a Feldenkrais practitioner and the co-host of the Feldenkrais for Life podcast. We talk about how to rewire our nervous system through Feldenkrais, increasing our learning, memory, health, and potential. Returning us to that childlike state of exploration, curiosity, aliveness, and possibility, Feldenkrais is like a playful portal into adult neuroplasticity and change. Waking us up from our habits and removing our rigid societal masks and algorithms, it can likewise unlock self-awareness, self-image, spontaneity, lightness, ease, authenticity, freedom, and growth.

We delve into this via various interconnected angles, including: novelty, making mistakes/errors, correcting, contradictory movements, speed of movement, pausing, relaxation, zooming in and out, focus and unfocus, attention, the eyes, neck, lips, mouth, creativity, the imagination, the voice, the skeleton, effort, finding links and connections, technology (e.g. smartphones, the Internet), and other exercise and movement-based practices.

The episode wraps up by putting all this into action through a short powerful Feldenkrais lesson using the eyes and imagination. 


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