A recent article on Ynetnews.com, an Israeli online newspaper, recounted how Dr. Moseh Feldenkrais worked with David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, and how Feldenkrais helped cure his back pain.
...(Calla Kessler/The Washington Post)Washington Post writer, Lisa Rein, shares her experience with the Feldenkrais Method. She describes the subtle, yet challenging movements she made with her eyes and the surprising results it had on her neck and back. Here are couple of excerpts. Enjoy the entire article at the WashingtonPost.com. Washington Post, September 27, 2018 …
Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain By JANE E. BRODY OCT. 30, 2017 After two hour-long sessions focused first on body awareness and then on movement retraining at the Feldenkrais Institute of New York, I understood what it meant to experience an incredible lightness of being. Having, temporarily at least, released the muscle tension …
At some point in almost everyone’s teen years, a well-meaning parent or teacher tells us to correct the way we’re standing or sitting. The advice comes with no explanation.
...This made sense to me. But when Feldenkrais practitioner/physical therapist Stacy Barrows encouraged me to attend her class — which, I imagined, would be all about the stretch — I was wary. Our individual sessions were going well, but classes tend to induce peer pressure, and I worried about vigorous pulling on a still-tender area.
...So when a friend told me I ought to check out Stacy Barrows, a Century City, CA-based Feldenkrais practitioner, I figured I had nothing to lose.
...The movements are slow. Very slow. In fact, in a typical “lesson”, you move a limb just the tiniest amount, maybe an inch or less, then move it back. Then compare how your body feels fore and aft.
...This ability to make sense of our sensory feedback in more and more refined ways is what people do in Feldenkrais – you can become more discerning and so your quality improvement loop gets more accurate. You can use this improved sensitivity to (body) feedback to improve all kinds of performance.
...by Ilona Fried When I was trying to be a yogi, I wasn’t being myself. I didn’t intend to stop doing yoga. I had practiced fairly consistently for more than a decade, beginning with ashtanga, switching to Baron Baptiste’s Power Yoga (Boston, Denver) before migrating to Forrest yoga (Denver) where I ultimately and joyfully did a …
How can a movement practice be linked with other life changes? Moshe Feldenkrais taught that changing physical habits could have far-reaching effects; that since the body and mind are one, addressing one directly affects the other.
...For those who equate fitness with huffing, puffing and straining, think again. Feldenkrais is just the opposite. You use less effort,” certified Longmont-based instructor Al Wadleigh said. “It’s learning to feel what feels good.
...I have long known that past experiences could influence the structure of our thoughts — what we perceive, what we’re open to, and how we react to the impetuses in our lives. Recently I learned that these experiences could also influence the basic everyday movements of our bodies — how we hold ourselves, retain or release pain, and function in a somatic or physical sense.
...Freeheart began private lessons called Functional Integration, where Wadleigh uses touch and movement to learn the body’s habits and then reteach the nervous system and brain better movement.