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  • Self-Image – Interview on “Out of Control” Radio with Al Wadleigh, GCFP

Self-Image – Interview on “Out of Control” Radio with Al Wadleigh, GCFP

February 5


I join Tammy Lynn Davis and her co-host Decimus Varro on her radio show, “Out of Control” in Madrid, NM.

By the time we did the interview, I had given Tammy a few Functional Integration lessons. When the topic of self-image came up she invited me on her show.

Here are some of the ideas we discuss. What it the self-image? How do popular ideas about self-image compare to how Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais thought about self-image? How do we use the idea of the self-image in the Feldenkrais Method to realize our potential?

It was a blast. Check it out!


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  1. Excellent interview! I really appreciate how clearly you articulated Moshe’s concept of self-image, the brain map and how awareness through movement comes into play. My self-image changed dramatically during my Feldenkrais training in very powerful (and good!) ways, now I clearly understand why. Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!

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