Alexander Yanai Intro Talk

(4 customer reviews)


by Al Wadleigh, GCFP

Al introduces the Alexander Yanai series which is comprised of 550 lessons Dr. Feldenkrais taught at his studio on Alexander Yanai St. in Tel Aviv, Israel from the 1950s-1970s.

MP3 Download, 1 Talk.

This year (2017) we are exploring Alexander Yanai lessons. These are lessons Dr. Feldenkrais taught at his studio on Alexander Yanai Street in Tel Aviv, Israel from the early 1950s to the late 1970s. There are 550 of these lessons. What’s fascinating is that he had the foresight to record all of these lessons. They were eventually transcribed and translated from Hebrew into English and then formatted and made available to us as Feldenkrais Practitioners. I have taken it as a project to go through every one of the 550 lessons. As I do, I make a list of ones I think will be suitable for my class at the Longmont Senior Center. This is a recording of my introductory talk to my group on the 3rd of January, 2017.

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4 reviews for Alexander Yanai Intro Talk

  1. Barry Davis (verified owner)

  2. Robin Cooney

    I remember this talk from Al’s class … I was there! As always, Al’s passion for Feldenkrais comes through as he talks about the fascinating history of the Alexander Yanai lessons.

  3. Judy Windt

    This is a clear and informative summary of the origins of the Alexander Yanai lessons and how they relate to the whole of Moshe Feldenkrais’s work.

  4. Hazel (verified owner)

    as above

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