AY 175 Circling the Heels – A Feldenkrais Lesson

(5 customer reviews)


by Al Wadleigh, GCFP

By working in various positions and turning the heel or heels out to sides, you begin to cultivate agility in the ankles and lower legs.

MP3 Download, 1 Feldenkrais Lesson.

This lesson develops your ability to sense and control the feet and the lower legs. By working in various positions and turning the heel or heels out to sides, you begin to fill in your self-image while cultivating agility in the ankles and lower legs.

5 reviews for AY 175 Circling the Heels – A Feldenkrais Lesson

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1-5 of 5 reviews
  1. my body felt more at ease

  2. This piece is fantastic. I have been through this piece twive and have noticed increased looseness in the quad hip joint that i did not know was tight.

  3. This piece is fantastic. I have been through this piece twive and have noticed increased looseness in the quad hip joint that i did not know was tight.

  4. This piece is fantastic. I have been through this piece twive and have noticed increased looseness in the quad hip joint that i did not know was tight.

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