Directed Breathing is a fascinating exploration of bringing your involuntary breathing process under voluntary control.
Due to daily habits, you may not be utilizing your full breath potential. Directed Breathing teaches you to become aware of which parts of your lungs are more active, recognizing that we have two lungs with two lobes on the left and three on the right. This lesson series teaches you to direct your breath into each lobe separately and into various lobe combinations. Through this exploration, you will use the interplay between breathing, intention, imagination, and awareness to guide your breath into different areas of your lungs, enhancing your unconscious breathing habits and improving your conscious breathing practice.
Once we develop this ability, we explore it in various positions. Each position reshapes the lungs by putting a new constraint on the chest and abdomen. Each constraint creates a new potential for the lungs to expand in a previously unconsidered way.
In doing so, you'll develop a more extended, deeper, and more profound breath that will improve your overall health and breathing practice.
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