This year, 2019, marks the 50th anniversary of King Crimson’s groundbreaking song “21st Century Schizoid Man“.
Critics once reviled it, but now it is seen as the foundation of progressive rock and metal.
As an unabashed metalhead, I’ve thought about how the structure of progressive music is similar to the structure of Feldenkrais lessons. That is to say, progressive rock structures are like learning structures.
After reading the excellent two-part series on the song and the band in Rolling Stone Magazine, I was intrigued. I listened to the song again and thought, “yeah, that’s like a Feldenkrais lesson.” So I got into it more deeply and decided to create a tribute lesson to “21st Century Schizoid Man”.
You can learn more about the song, the structures, and my lesson here on my blog post.
So, enough about structure. What’s this lesson going to do for me?
- Clarify the hip joints
- Create ease in your neck and shoulders
- Integrate your head with your legs and pelvis
Great session! Ryan Nagy recommendation of this for overall integration was spot on. I have been moving from a house we lived in for 34 years into a smaller home….. downsizing is physical as well as mental. This lesson helped it all.
I am 82 and I was worried that this one was going to aggravate my right hip joint which is arthritic. Or so my doctor tells me. But I felt as light as a butterfly afterwards. Thank you!
A perfect session for this lazy Saturday afternoon in Mexico. I dozed off once or twice so will need to repeat it. Is this session your own creation? There are themes that are familiar to me but put together in a unique manner. I am finding that I am MUCH more aware of specific muscle contractions in my neck. And also how those contractions are related to a tension that I get in my lower back from time-to-time. Looking forward to doing this one again.
Thanks, Ryan. Yes, the lesson is my own creation.